Friday, June 12, 2009

NWLJ - Week 9: Back into the Swing of Things

Hey everyone. If you haven't noticed, it's been two weeks since I last posted anything on my weight loss attempt. That's because I've been lazy. Hey! I'm allowed once in a while. I haven't been eating as healthy as I should have been, and I haven't exercised or walked consistently in that time. And by consistently, I mean almost at all. True, I went for a hike with the family this past weekend, and I did finally workout at Danny and Rachel's this week, but overall, I've been very disappointed in myself. I'm getting back into the rhythm again, however. Here's hoping I can stick with it again. I'm sure I can. Just hope the weather gets better.

You'll also notice that I'm going with the weekly format. I've realized I don't have enough material or desire to fill a daily blog. At least not a weight loss blog. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my day-to-day eating habits, without something interesting or humorous to go with it. God knows I don't! I mean, if I wanted to read something that bland, I could read a political blog or a tabloid. Tabloids are like greasy fries: full of juicy stuff but no substance! No offense to anyone who enjoys them, they're just not my cup of tea. Weekly World News? Different story! Totally cheesy and ridiculous, but that's why I like it! That probably says volumes about me...

Well, two Wednesdays have passed since my last post, so a quick update. On May 3rd, I weighed in at 276.4 lbs. This past Wednesday, I weighed in at 276.8. Yeah I gained a small amount, but that could be a glass of water! Generally, considering I haven't been strict about my recent eating habits, that's not bad! To put that in perspective, I've lost about 15 lbs in about 8 weeks! I call that progress! I have to keep that in mind. I've been getting so wound up in the smaller increments that I've lost sight on the accomplishments I've made! People are saying I look thinner, and that's good. It's encouraging. Let's keep that going.

Well, that's all for now. I think I'll try to get these posts in on Wednesdays from now on. See you then!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

NWLJ – Days 48-50: Being Human

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days. For the past week, I've been sore, tired, and generally unmotivated. I don't know why. I haven't walked, I've barely worked out, I've struggled to maintain my diet. Tonight, however, I hope I broke through the funk. I worked out for about 20 minutes, and I'm feeling a little better, both about myself and my pursuit. I told myself I was going to do this, and I'm keeping to it, for better or for worse!

I've been eating grilled chicken and pasta, or chicken with a couple slices of wheat bread. I had a couple slices of pizza for a coworker's birthday, but one was a taco pizza with lettuce and tomato, so I guess that wasn't so horrible. Just not the best. I'm still having problems with timing my meals, and thus getting all my meals in. I guess practice makes perfect.

I did workout with Rachel and Jacinta this past Wednesday. I hope Matt comes by tomorrow evening so we can continue our walks. The 2 hour walk we had last week was great! I guess I just get lonely during my endeavors.

Anyway, I weighed myself on Wednesday. 278.8. Which means that I didn't losing any weight, but then again, I didn't gain, either. I also haven't been consistently exercising either. Better luck next weigh-in.

Well, that's about all for this time. Hopefully I'll have a post on Saturday or Sunday. I hope to go for a hike with the family tomorrow. *crosses fingers* Weather permitting.

See ya next time!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NWLJ – Days 45-47: No Two Ways About It... Ugh!

If weekends are Kryptonite to me, then holiday weekends are doubly so. I really didn't eat well the past few days. Burgers, fried chicken, soda. And no exercise. I'm actually really kinda depressed. Today wasn't that bad. I had a ham grinder. I know, I'm not eating as much as I ought to be. I'm also a bit sore. From what, I have no idea. My muscles ached all day, and I spent the majority of the day trying to idiot-proof a spreadsheet. Took me almost the entire day! As a result, no walk today either. Ugh!

I think I'm gonna go downstairs and cook up some chicken and pasta for tomorrow. I have some tuna and wheat bread at work. I just have to figure out some veggies.

I also hate doing alot of these things alone. I feel so much more into working out and walking when I have someone to do so with. I love the encouragement I get here, but that often doesn't help in the moment. I'm actually surprised I've made it this long. Maybe getting back into a routine will help.

Tomorrow is Weigh-In Wednesday. Last week, I was 278.8 lbs. I don't put much faith that I lost any this week, but I always say that, don't I?

See ya!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

NWLJ – Days 43 & 44: Walkin' Fool

Eating hasn't been that bad the last couple days. However, I tried having a protein shake as a meal replacement, and it didn't work well at all! Yech! Mental note, only have one of those after a workout. Yesterday I had an egg and cheese on a multigrain bagel, a salad with tuna, the aforementioned shake, and finished with a plate full of pasta. Today, being my free day, I had a bowl of rice chex, a couple donuts, and a chicken breast sub. Not bad, even for my day off!

Last night, I went for a long walk with Metheaus. We prolly walked at least 3 miles. Granted, this was in the middle of the night, cuz neither of us wanted to sleep, and had plenty to say. It was great to go walking with someone and while away the time rather than just listening to an audio book or podcast, but normally I get by. I really wish I could convince Chrissy to go for a walk periodically with me, but we're almost always otherwise occupied. School nights and all. Maybe when school lets out... Nothing today, however, unless you count going for a stroll through the park exercise. Ah well.

Not much to say this time around. Everyone says that I look thinner, but I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, it's encouraging, but I'm trying not to let it get to my head. =D

Until next time, see ya!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

NWLJ – Days 41 & 42: Concessions

I know, I should have written this yesterday. Sue me. Actually, don't. I don't have anything to lose, except weight. Isn't that what this journal is all about? ;)

I'm not gonna say much. I ate well yesterday, chicken and rice, etc, until dinner. Pizza again, because that's what was ordered. I've come to the conclusion that I can't promise that I will abide by these rules when I am having dinner elsewhere. It's all a matter of circumstance. If the group is ordering pizza or chinese or whatever, so be it. I can't force everyone else to adhere to my dietary needs. I am not using this as an excuse to jump ship. I'm still eating right, albeit not as often as I should be. Gotta work on that.

We worked out last night. Oh so good. First time in a week. I walked both yesterday and today. However, today's walk was a disaster! I did a high-intensity lap first (unintentionally) and my legs burned and ached. I slowed down, and tried to work my way through the burn, but at the end of lap three, I was practically limping. I had to stop, and I'm a little disappointed, but I shouldn't overdo it. I think I'll reserve that high-intensity lap for last, when it's ok to collapse.

Well, I hate to say it, but I've forgotten the guesses that people told me in person. Well, one way or another, I'm down to 278.8. I lost half a pound. Not alot, but still, I'm going in the right direction! I blame the lack of exercise. Shame on me! Ah well.

Well, tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, I'll get in a walk, but no promises. This weekend will be better.

See ya!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NWLJ – Days 40: Shake Shake Shake!

Today just proved that I don't have a ton of willpower. I had a milkshake. A medium one. It wasn't exactly my intent. I wasn't planning on having ice cream at all. Chrissy and I took Elizabeth to the park after I got out of work. On the way home, I decided I was going to treat them to some ice cream. I wasn't going to order anything, but the words slipped out of my mouth. "Small vanilla shake." Well, at least I ordered a small. That's not what I got. I got a medium instead. The waitress apologized. Damn right, she should apologize! I didn't want to go that far off the path, but she pushed it on me! DQ is the dietary equivalent to crack! I also realized that as I'm drinking this dairy narcotic that milkshakes have two detrimental qualities. One, they come in opaque containers. This makes it difficult to gauge visually how much you've drunk. And second, their weight to mass ratio is all out of whack! You make it through 3/4 of the cup and it doesn't feel really any lighter, but make it to 25/32 of the cup, and suddenly you feel just how empty it is! And that's about how much I had before succumbing to the realization that I spoiled my diet. Again.

Now, I'm not beating myself up. No, if I've learned anything about myself, I've learned that if I don't get back on that horse, the damn creature is going to drag me to my destination. Tomorrow, I'll resolve to do better, because if you can't forgive yourself, how the hell is anyone else going to?

I digress. Today was a pretty good day otherwise. Except that my salad this afternoon just didn't taste right. It looked alright, but past the lips it was not what I had hoped it would be. Could have been the tuna, or the dressing, or likely the lettuce. I don't know, but I wound up tossing half of it. Damn shame, too. I was so looking forward to it. Lettuce not dwell, for we are not in a pickle.

Chicken with rice, an egg and cheese bagel, and a subway chicken breast grinder pretty much was the standard fare. I need to pick something else to break up the monotony. I'm out of tuna for the moment. I'm out of peanuts, too. I have the protein shake powder now, and it's yummy! Crap, sarcasm doesn't translate as well in text. Ah well. It's not that it's horrible. It just has a weird aftertaste.

Took a walk today. 5 laps around the track. Tried running for the last lap, and wound up tossing my mp3 player in the process. I lost the battery cover, but it works fine without. Tomorrow is my weekly workout with Danny and Rachel, and I can't wait! I hope to take another walk again tomorrow during lunch. Gotta stay in the habit, right?

Tomorrow is Weight-In Wednesday, and that means I need your guesses! Ok, need is a strong word. I'd like your guesses. Last week, I lost a pound to bring me down to 279.2. I didn't stick completely with my diet, and wasn't as active as I wanted to be, so I'm not sure how much I've lost, if any. I don't think it's much, but I guess we'll find out in the morning. You'll find out tomorrow night. Well, I'd better get to bed. 'night all!

See ya on the flipside!

Monday, May 18, 2009

NWLJ – Days 37-39: Does Pac-Man Eat Like This?

Weekends seems to be my Kryptonite. On the weekends, I wind up in situations where I have a ton of food in front of me, and I am compelled to eat it all. Granted, Saturdays are my free day, but it often spills over into Sunday.

This past Saturday, I went to a small festival called Forest Folk. It was actually a lot of fun! They have workshops, vendors, and on Saturday night, they have a drumming circle. The writing workshop I wanted to attend was cancelled, so instead, I learned poi. Poi are these sacks at the end of strings that you twirl. The closest parallel I can make is juggling. Other people were doing yoga, meditating, learning belly dancing, or sitting by the fire. There was so much to do, even if you did nothing at all! The location was absolutely beautiful and tranquil. I wish I could have stayed all weekend, but alas, I could only afford to bring the family for one day. I had to get them home, and decided to just go home afterward, so I missed out on the drumming circle. I did finish the website for Mama Miron, which meant I sat at the computer the rest of the weekend, but it’s done, and I am very pleased with the results. I’ll post a link to the results when we get the site online.

I’m not sure I’ll get in much exercise this week, either. Normally, I’ll steal the TV before it’s occupied, which it remains until well past midnight. There’s not enough room in my bedroom to do an aerobic workout. However, we have company, so there’s a sleeping 7-year-old on the couch, and I don’t have the heart to wake her. I mean, I hate being woken up when I can otherwise sleep in, especially considering if I’m up for 5 minutes, I ain’t getting back to sleep. Not a refreshing one, at least. If I can help it, I won’t subject someone else to that. Anyways, I suppose I could do some weight training…

Saturday is my free day, and I really didn’t eat that badly. Well, that’s not entirely true. I had a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel, and then didn’t eat again until the feast. I had pasta, salad, some bread, and shared an orange. Then I went home and munched on some Bugles while I did some computer stuff. I love them, but they’re so bad for me! Sunday, I had a bowl of Cheerios with a packet of Truvia to sweeten. Then I had some ravioli and a big ol’ meatball with some salad. Dinner? Pizza. It was what everyone decided was for dinner, since no one wanted to cook. And how do I repay myself? A Klondike bar.

Today wasn't so bad, though. Protein shake for breakfast, chicken with brown rice for Second Breakfast, and Elevenses. Roast beef and potatoes for Luncheon, and a bowl of Rice Chex for Dinner. I think I'm gonna have to eat every 2 hours, rather than every 3, if I'm gonna get my full count of meals in.

Well, another week of resolving to do better. I hope I have the strength to actually go through with it this time.

See ya!